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Should I Buy NVIDIA Now or Wait | NVDA Stock Analysis 2024
NVIDIA has been absolutely popping off since the beginning of 2023 and I'm upset that I've missed out but Is it too late to jump on the train? To answer that question, I have poured over the last 24 quarters of financial statements, read through expert analysis, and researched the single greatest explosion in NVIDIA's revenue, so you don't have to. I'm going to share what I have learned about what the heck happened with NVIDIA and what I plan to do about it.

Insane Strategy To 10X YOUR MONEY (2024 Election)
What is the best stock prediction for the 2024 election? I have been sitting on this stock play for just about four years now. I think it's going to happen again. In fact, it has already begun. In this video, I'm going over my number one stock prediction for the 2024 election and how I plan to take advantage.

Is Emergency Fund DEAD in 2024?
Should I save for an emergency fund? They told us that we need an emergency fund but do we really need it and if so, how much is too much for an emergency fund? I will share the opportunity cost of having an emergency fund, whether I am overfunding or underfunding my emergency fund, and the best types of accounts for storing my emergency fund.

Frugal Living Tips to Save Money: How I DECLUTTER My Expenses
How to save money frugal living? I am sharing 4 tips on living a frugal yet fulfilling life with his wife Natalie and our two cats Lili and Mom. For us, it is all about getting the most happiness out of every dollar spent and being mindful about 4 spending categories that can get in the way of getting to financial independence.

How to COAST to Financial Independence (EVEN IF YOU'RE BROKE)
What is Coast FIRE and how can we use Coast Fi to reach financial freedom? Instead of focusing on the dollar amount, tracking share count is a more stable metric towards financial independence especially when using dividend reinvestment plans (DRIP). Using the S&P 500 ETF (VOO) as an example, I am trying to figure out the share count to cover basic expenses taking into account compound interest and dividend reinvestment.

How to Start DIVIDEND GROWTH Investing for Beginners
I'm going to take a deep dive in the dividend growth investing strategy by analyzing 3 characteristics of superior dividend companies. After exhaustive research, I found 4 criteria that any dividend growth ETFs should have in order to outperform the S&P 500.

How To MAKE MONEY on Your First Home
How to make money off my house? If you made the same mistake and bought a house as your primary residence solely because you thought it would be a good investment like me and Natalie, you’ve come to the right video. We will compare the yearly costs of owning a house to renting an apartment in a 10-year projection and discuss 3 methods to reduce expenses and make money without leaving the house

Why Buying a House is the WORST Investment of My Life
You’ve heard it before: “Renting is throwing money away’’ but is buying really better than renting? Today we’re going to do the math taking into account opportunity cost. I will compare the cost between owning and renting taking into account the down payment, closing costs, mortgage payments, maintenance, tax, and insurance for buying a home in Texas.

EASIEST Credit Card Combo in 2024
What is the best credit card combo for 2024? I grew tired of carrying around so many credit cards that I didn't even use. So I set out on a mission to find the EASIEST credit card strategy to maximize points and benefits, while avoiding the hassle of carrying multiple cards.

Could the 2024 Bitcoin Halving Spell the END of Bitcoin?
What is Bitcoin Halving and how does Bitcoin Halving 2024 affect the value of future Bitcoins? We will delve into the impact of the upcoming Bitcoin Halvening in April 2024 and its potential future implications on Bitcoins. We discuss how the gradual decrease of Bitcoin supply every four years might affect its price, security, and mining. We also explore the implications of Halvening on the security and centralization of Bitcoin mining.

How to Pick DIVIDEND GROWTH ETFs (Better than S&P 500)
We will look at the best dividend growth ETFs over the past 10 years, discuss why investors should care about dividend growth investing strategy, the factors to consider when investing in ETFs, and how to use research key metrics such as expense ratios, diversity, and past performance to determine high-performing dividend growth ETFs.

BITCOIN ETF Explained and Ranked in 8 Minutes
We are going to talk about what a Bitcoin ETF is, how a spot Bitcoin ETF works, and is Bitcoin ETF approved. I will also share my pick for the best Bitcoin ETF among the 11 Spot Bitcoin ETFs that are approved in 2024, including details on ticker symbols, prices, and fees.